Glassdoor Jobs

  • 4.7 RATINGS
  • 4+ AGE

About this app

  • Name Glassdoor Jobs
  • category Business
  • Price Free
  • Safety 100% Safe
  • Developer Glassdoor Inc.
  • Version 8.7.2

Find jobs, see company reviews, prepare for interviews and get hired faster, with Glassdoor. Compare salaries, read reviews and discover the latest job listings on the go.

Brief: Discover a wealth of career opportunities and insider insights with the Glassdoor Jobs app. This powerful job search tool equips job seekers with a transparent view of companies, salary benchmarks, and the tools to apply for positions directly from your mobile device. Complemented by invaluable career advice and user-contributed reviews about interviews and company culture, Glassdoor provides a comprehensive platform for those looking to advance their career path.

Core Features:

  • 📊 Job Search: Leverage a sophisticated job search engine to find tailored opportunities from millions of job listings.
  • 🌟 Workplace Transparency: Access in-depth company reviews, CEO approval ratings, salary reports, and more for complete workplace visibility.
  • 💼 Job Applications: Utilize the 'Easy Apply' feature for a streamlined application process directly from your phone.
  • 🛠️ Career Advice: Gain professional insights and tips for everything from crafting the perfect resume to acing interviews.
  • 🏢 Research Salaries and Benefits: Explore the 'Know Your Worth' tool to assess your market value and compare salaries and benefits in various fields.


  • 👀 Immediate Job Alerts: Stay informed with instant notifications for job opportunities that match your skills and preferences.
  • 📈 Career Progression: Use valuable resources to research and navigate your career trajectory effectively.
  • 👩‍💼 Interview Prep: Get a leg up on the competition with access to common interview questions and applicant experiences.
  • 🖇️ Company Culture Insight: Learn about prospective employers through detailed reviews and ratings from current and past employees.


  • 👎 Market Specific: While comprehensive, the app might have limited information on some niche markets or less-represented regions.
  • 🔄 Update Dependence: Requires regular updates for accurate salary and company data, which may be a concern for users with limited data plans.
  • 📜 Overwhelming Information: New users might find navigating through the vast amount of data and resources challenging at first.
  • 📵 Offline Limitations: Lack of offline functionality for searching and saving job listings could be restrictive for users without constant internet access.


  • 💵 The Glassdoor Jobs app is free to download, offering its main features at no cost to the user. However, some integrated tools or services may come with their own pricing or subscription model within the app.

Download Glassdoor Jobs now and take the first step towards landing your dream job with an arsenal of knowledge and tools at your fingertips.

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